Measuring quality

Freeware Open Source Multiprotocol Network Tester and Performance Monitor - UDP Test Tool, Flood Generator, VoIP readiness Test Tool

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The Multiprotocol Network Tester is a freeware, open source tool which enables you to measure quality of your IP network. It can also be used to generate UDP flood or to simulate UDP DoS attack. SIP call is usually established using a SIP session with a bidirectional RTP stream. SIP and RTP protocols are based on UDP transport protocol. UDP uses a simple transmission model without implicit reliability, ordering and data integrity. Each single UDP packet is transferred independently. The quality of a SIP call depends on delays and loss of IP packets in a network. Long delays lead to large RTP jitter and bad sound quality of a SIP call. NetworkTester allows you to generate bidirectional UDP streams with a set packet size and bandwidth and measure following:

  • Percentage of lost UDP packets
  • Maximum and average of jitter time
  • Jitter delay distribution view
  • IP network max bandwidth for a specified jitter

Use cases

Download source code via SVN

Source code is available here via SVN with username = "opensource", password = "123456". The project is cross-platform, based on QT. Server-side is based on ASP.NET web forms and MSSQL.


  • For testing of IP network between 2 endpoints with desktop GUI application
    • Download the tool (windows, linux, raspberry pi)
    • Launch it on 2 computers/devices
    • Optionally specify parameters of UDP streams. "Number of packets to send per period" setting correspond to number of calls. Default parameters are for 100 parallel G.711 calls.
    • Specify destination IP addresses of peer computer
    • Enable senders and receivers. It is OK to enable only one receiver and one sender.
    • Run the test and obtain characteristics of your IP network. The test can be performed during 24-hours so you will get maximum jitter for this period.
    • Configure your devices according to measured jitter delays and loss percentage
    • Choose a better IP provider (with less jitter and packet loss percentage)
    • Give a high priority to UDP packets in your IP router
  • If you want to test IP network between you and our servers: use Continuous Speed Test


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Change log

2008 first version is released for UDP tests in our private company
2012 the UDP Network Tester is published at website
2015-06-25 we decided to continue the development: release a cross-platform version and implement stress tests for other protocols: ARP, TCP, HTTP, DNS, SIP, FTP, SMTP, ICMP. This is needed to test the systems against possible DoS attacks
2015-07-10 released new version
2015-07-19 added CSV and GUI history of packet jitter and loss
2015-07-20 chart for history of packet jitter and loss
2015-09-11 implemented logging and tracing subsystem, crash handler
2015-10-02 implemented settings file I/O module
2015-10-12 realtime jitter histogram chart
2015-11-03 cloud-based testing system: managed test agents, web-based test management and reporting
2015-12-10 SIP ALG tests to check client's VoIP readiness
2016-01-25 compiled for Ubuntu 64bit
2016-08-15 compiled for Raspberry Pi by
2016-09-17 defined list of improvements for VoIP readiness testing, starting to work on it
2016-09-21 decreased minimal UDP payload size: now it is 24 bytes
2016-10-07 improved tracing/logging subsystem to improve debugging
2016-10-20 implemented G.107 MOS measurements
2016-10-28 implemented HTML-based chart for packet loss, jitter and MOS
2017-10-05 VoIP readiness tester: implemented running in Windows service mode
2017-11-12 VoIP readiness tester: implemented continuous tests
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