Measuring quality

IP networks performance research: 3G, 4G, wifi for VoIP and data

On this page we publish results of our research of IP networks. With StarTrinity Network Tester software tool we run tests over various 3G, 4G LTE, ADSL, FTTx, ethernet and wifi LAN networks. We measure quality, reliability, speed of the IP networks under simulated VoIP and data packets. The benchmark tests analyse network jitter, packet loss, MOS, round trip delay (RTT), download time, upload time under a certain load.

Mobile 3G/4G internet: Tele2 vs MTS vs Megafon vs Yota (Russia, Kazan) under VoIP traffic

We run VoIP traffic between our server and a laptop via wifi hotspot or USB modem and 3G internet connection. Results are different for the 4 operators:
Tele2 3G during 45 hours (wifi, 1 G.729 channel): uptime = 99.89%, worst MOS = 2.5, max packet loss = 6.94%
MTS 3G during 19 hours (wifi, 1 G.729 channel): uptime = 100%, worst MOS = 3.45, max packet loss = 16.34%
MTS 3G during 96 hours (USB, 1 G.729 channel): uptime = 99.94%, worst MOS = 2.41, max packet loss = 6.06%
MTS 3G during 96 hours (USB, 3 G.729 channel): uptime = 99.87%, worst MOS = 1, max packet loss = 27.94%
Megafon 3G during 24 hours (wifi, 1 G.729 channel): uptime = 100%, worst MOS = 3.89, max packet loss = 0.47%
Yota 4G during 1 hour (wifi, 1 G.729 channel): uptime = 0%, worst MOS = 1, max packet loss = 100%
Used hardware: laptop Samsung NP305E7A, smartphone ZTE V880E (Tele2, MTS, Megafon 3G), smartphone iPhone 5S А1457 (Yota 4G)
Conclusion: Tele2 and Megafon 3G mobile internet connection is good enough for one-channel VoIP calls with codec G.729

FTTx internet: Rostelecom (Russia, Kazan) under VoIP traffic

We run 10-channel G.729 VoIP traffic between our server and a server via ethernet and FTTx internet connection Results: Rostelecom from 2016-11-13 till 2016-11-29 (during 16 days)
uptime = 99.85%, worst MOS = 1, max packet loss = 100%

Mobile 3G/4G internet under HTTP/TCP data traffic

Various tests with continuous speed tester:
4G LTE mobile internet in moving car (Megafon)
4G LTE mobile internet in moving car (MTS)
4G LTE mobile internet in office, non-static position (Megafon)
3G mobile internet in office, non-static position (Tele2)
3G mobile internet in office, static position near window (Megafon, 100 hours)
3G mobile internet in office, static position near window (MTS, 141 hour)
4G mobile internet in office, static position near window (Beeline, 9 hours)
Conclusion: Internet speed test is not stable during a long test. There are drops of connection because of obstacles and without any obstacles for both MTS and Megafon. Average long-duration 3G speed is better for MTS if compared with Megafon.
Internet connection uptime
4G mobile internet in office, static position near window (Beeline, 36 hours) - SLA uptime = 98.46%, 18 outages, 33 minutes of downtime
4G mobile internet in office, static position near window (Megafon, 44 hours) - SLA uptime = 98.76%, 64 outages, 33.5 minutes of downtime
FTTx wifi internet in office, static position (Rostelecom, 9+6 hours) - SLA uptime = 99.9%, 64 outages, 23 seconds of downtime
Conclusion: with the internet connection monitor test we found out that 4G LTE internet connection is unreliable. wifi internet connection is reliable on same mobile device, using same firmware and software
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