Measuring quality

Rate Deck Comparison Tool

Rate Deck Comparison Tool is a module in our StarTrinity softswitch for US domestic telephone market. It analyses and compares multiple rate decks (from different companies) - interstate, intrastate rates considering CDR file(s). It is a simple mathematic operation: find rate by phone number, calculate price per call from billed seconds in CDR considering the rate, and report total cost of the calls in CDR. The comparison operation needs high performance, and we do it in C++ code, it is much faster than using Excel or databases. The module is very simple now (January 2019), but we are going to develop it based on real customers' experience, please contact us if you want to make it more complex to satisfy your needs.

How it works

  • It is a module in our softswitch (which is a larger system than just a softswitch), you can use our free trial on our server or on your server
  • In softswitch menu - "Status/CDR" - "Imported CDR sets" add a new "set" which means a group of CDR files (it will be selected later during the comparison)
  • For the new CDR set configure format of imported CSV CDR files. Enter name of CSV columns: "Called ID column name" and "Answered/connected/billed duration (seconds) column name"
  • Import CDR file, one or many CSV CDR files exporrted from your system.
  • Go to menu - "Tariffs" - add new tariff. Here word tariff means "rate deck", or "rate sheet" or "pricelist"
  • Configure CSV column indexes to import rates from CSV file (please convert xls files to CSV). Here you select column with rate - interstate/intrastate/etc
  • Upload CSV files with rates. Import one or many tariffs
  • Go to menu - "Status/CDR" - "CDR rates analyser". Here you select CDR files set and the tariffs
  • Click "Start", it will compare the rate decks in backgroupd. Click "refresh" to see when it is ready.
  • See result in "Total cost" column for every analysed tariff, so you can compare the tariffs, considering real CDR data
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