Measuring quality

StarTrinity SIP Tester Change Log

List of regular technical changes in the SIP Tester software
2024-09-07 allowed "%" character in UAC registration user name for escaping
2024-02-17 Using setting "DebugMediaPath" for "mixed RX+TX" recordings
2024-01-25 New setting "LocalHttpsCertificateIssuerName"
2024-01-12 New API method "CallXmlLogMessagesJSON"
2023-11-26 Fixed a regression bug in Login.html redirection
2023-11-11 Some unpublished features 2023-06...2023-11
2023-11-11 Fixed issue with corrupted uploaded audio files
2023-11-11 new fileId to download in API method "DownloadRecordedFile": "pcap_sip" and "pcap_sip_rtp"
2023-11-11 CallXML: new parameter "referredBy" for "transfer" element
2023-05-21 Setting "EnablePerformanceDebugger"
2023-04-04 New parameter for API methods "GetCurrentCallsJSON" and "Cdr/GetCallsJSON": "includeSipTraceAsHtml"
2023-03-04 Additional verification procedure of the database XML settings file, needed to avoid having corrupt settings file
2023-02-24 CallXML: passed DTMF from call leg B into CallXML script
2023-01-26 Fixed a bug with duplicate sessions having ID = 0, with setting ResetCallXmlSessionIdWhenStartedCallGenerator
2023-01-05 CallXML: "sendhttprequest" is able to send HTTP POST with JSON from "CDATA" inner XML element
2022-12-16 Moved to a newer IDE (compiler): Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
2022-11-24 Setting "RecordingsAutoDeleteMaxAgeInDays"
2022-11-21 Fixed race condition issue with incoming calls: concurrent received CANCEL and sent 200 OK. Now the call is ended when CANCEL is received
2022-10-01 Setting "EnableSipTcpTransport"
2022-09-28 CallXML: new parameter "uploadToUrls" for "recordcall"
2022-08-01 Fixed race condition bug in "recorder queue" module (writing recordings to WAV files)
2022-07-31 Fixed implementation of setting "RecorderQueueMaxCount"
2022-07-08 CallXML: new parameter "maxCC" for "limitcps" to limit concurrent calls count (CC) per destination IP in dialer scripts
2022-07-03 Fixed caller ID ("From" SIP header) in call C, that is generated on REFER
2022-07-03 new fileId to download in API method "DownloadRecordedFile": "pcap_sip" and "pcap_sip_rtp"
2022-06-23 CallXML: new "limitcps" element to limit CPS per destination IP in dialer scripts
2022-06-20 Fixed setting "MaxCallLifeTimeInHours" for outgoing calls in ringing state
2022-06-14 CallXML: minor fix in "inputdigits"
2022-04-15 Integrated the software with VOSK speech recognition server (based on Kaldi)
2022-03-19 CallXML: fixed "sendhttprequest" in case of timeout and no "resultvar" set
2022-03-09 Fixed downlaoding mixed recorded files via API
2022-03-04 Increased freeware licensed limit: 50 concurrent calls, unlimited attempted and received calls
2022-03-04 Fixed processing of "Contact" SIP header when it contains parameters
2022-01-02 CallXML: implemented event "answer" for "callgroup"
2021-11-21 added report for remote-side rejection delay
2021-11-11 supported custom SIP headers for SIP UAS when sending "183 Session Progress"
2021-11-07 Settings "RtpTxBufferSize", "RtpRxBufferSize"
2021-10-26 Setting "MinimizeMiscThreadPoolPriority"
2021-10-25 Settings "SipUdpSendBufferSize" and "SipUdpRecvBufferSize"
2021-10-21 Added "consumed RAM" chart report into web UI
2021-10-19 removed requirement of "rtpmap" attribute for G722 codec
2021-10-19 New setting "PerformanceIndicatorsHistoryMaxDays"
2021-10-09 CallXML: optimized execution time for "if" and "block" elements
2021-10-02 CallXML: "debugRecordingThreshold" in verifyaudio" now also works for PESQ MOS mode
2021-09-20 CallXML: new playaudio mode "siprec2" - play mono WAV file into 2nd RTP stream
2021-09-11 support of SIPREC: generate calls with 2 RTP streams and play stereo WAV files
2021-09-04 New API method "/DownloadRecordedFile"
2021-08-29 New API method "/API/MainViewModel/UacRegistrationsJSON"
2021-07-23 New API method "/API/MainViewModel/GetCurrentCallsJSON"
2021-05-31 included statistics for "RTCP mean jitter" into report
2021-05-30 New setting "RtpTxTTL": IP TTL field for transmitted RTP packets
2021-05-28 New CDR fields with received RTP stream statistics: total, discarded, out of order (early, late), erroneous, duplicate packets count
2021-04-16 New CLI parameter "MaxCurrentCallsLimitMode"
2021-04-09 new command line interface parameter "TestId"
2021-04-07 Improved Web UI for system logs
2021-03-30 Always declaring global "c=" line in SDP, for all media streams
2021-03-28 new command line interface parameter "JsonReportFile"
2021-03-28 new command line interface parameter "HtmlReportFile"
2021-03-26 New API parameter "includeSipTrace" for "/API/MainViewModel/Cdr/GetCallsJSON"
2021-03-23 Setting "TlsMethod" now has default value "TLSv12" and possible values "TLSv10, TLSv11, TLSv12"
2021-03-23 Recompiled code with Visual Studio 2019, OpenSSL 1.1.0f
2021-03-14 Updated reference to .NET framework. Now minimum requirement is .NET 4.6
2021-01-14 Setting "MediaTransportPoolMinIdleTimeMs"
2021-01-13 CallXML: new attribute "writeSettingsFileToDisk" in "setcallgeneratorparams" element
2020-10-21 Setting "RtpClockFrequencyHz" to simulate RTP clock skew in SIP Tester
2020-10-10 CallXML: "headers" attribute in "disconnect" element
2020-09-17 Setting "IgnoreUnknownRequiredSipExtensions"
2020-09-16 CallXML: "minlevelvar" attribute in "measuresignal" element
2020-08-03 Using TLS 1.2 in embedded web server for HTTPS
2020-06-26 Processing RTP flag "M" to reset jitter buffer
2020-05-27 fixed issue with leaking TCP connections with re-registering UAC registrations
2020-05-17 CallXML: "updateCacheFromDisk" attribute in "inputdigits" and "playaudio" elements
2020-05-17 CallXML: "finalKeys" attribute in "recordmessage" element
2020-05-16 CallXML: "finalKeys" attribute in "inputdigits" element
2020-04-30 Setting "VideoSdpPayloadType"
2020-03-28 CallXML: "controlaudio" element
2020-02-17 fixed setting "DeclareRFC2833InSDP"
2020-02-06 setting "EnableAutomaticHtmlReports"
2020-01-25 Responding "200 OK" to in-dialog OPTIONS SIP request
2020-01-13 setting "AutomaticReRegisterOnFailureMaxAttemptsCount"
2020-01-13 "Supported INVITE request URI with semicolon parameters
2020-01-11 CallXML: "tlsversion" parameter for "sendhttprequest"
2020-01-11 CallXML: "headers" parameter for "sendhttprequest"
2019-12-12 "Custom SIP Call-ID" feld in UAC registrations
2019-12-11 command line parameter "UacRegistrationsCsvFile"
2019-12-03 CallXML: "getrtpinfo" returns variable "RTP_Codec"
2019-11-12 workaround to avoid memory leak with .NET 4.8, in one more specific case
2019-10-05 workaround to avoid memory leak with Windows 10, .NET 4.8
2019-09-25 Fix in API method "Jobs/CreateAndStart"
2019-09-19 Web API method "UploadNumberList"
2019-09-19 CallXML: "mode" parameter for "readnumberlist" element
2019-09-09 Fix: RFC2833 DTMF duration field was not reset with every next transmitted digit. Now it is reset to zero
2019-08-26 added new 4xx, 5xx, 6xx failed attempts counters into reports/statistics: desktop GUI, web UI, API, HTML reports
2019-08-26 fixed updating reports/statistics page in Web UI in case when setting "UpdateGuiOnTimerS" = "0"
2019-08-14 added "18x response delay" in reports/statistics
2019-08-11 CallXML: "sipCallId" parameter for "register" element
2019-08-06 CallXML: fixed error when parsing syntax like "$a;;$b;" - multiple variables with semicolon between them
2019-07-27 CallXML: new parameter "rtpProxyMode" for "transfer" element
2019-07-24 API method "/API/MainViewModel/GetCounters"
2019-07-23 CallXML: new element "getrtpinfo"
2019-07-01 Setting "DnsMode", new DNS mode "SRV" when UAC registrations connect to servers via SRV DNS records
2019-06-25 CallXML: new escaping for "|" characters in "headers" parameter for "call" and "accept" elements
2019-06-25 Fix: "callfailure" event is raised on 3xx response too (previously it was not raised)
2019-06-25 Fix: "verifyaudio" now does not use intermediate G711A codec when the SIP call uses codec G711U
2019-06-19 setting "PesqTruncateRemainderData"
2019-05-29 Setting "AutomaticSoftwareRestartPeriodH"
2019-05-22 "offline PESQ MOS calculation" module
2019-05-20 CallXML: new element "resetrtpstatistics" for multiple RTP quality measurements in one SIP call
2019-05-20 CallXML: new parameter "recorderId" for "recordcall" for multiple recorders in one SIP call
2019-05-16 "offline PESQ MOS calculation" module
2019-05-09 CallXML: "getsiptrace" element to access SIP messages in script
2019-05-08 API methods for independent call generators (Jobs)
2019-04-27 CallXML: SIP header variables are available in "reinvite" event handler now
2019-04-26 CallXML: SIP header variables are available in "callfailure" event handler now
2019-04-24 CallXML: new element "ifnumberexists" for fast lookups
2019-04-23 new parameter "scriptExecutionTimeoutS" for API method "CreateCall_Post"
2019-04-02 WAV recordings HTML5 player in web interface
2019-03-07 API method "/API/MainViewModel/Updater/StartUpdate" to update software version
2019-03-03 API method "ClearCache"
2019-02-16 Fix: correct processing of received RFC2833 DTMF event when same digit is pressed
2019-02-13 CallXML: new element "requestcsv" for fast lookups
2019-02-12 CallXML: setting sipHeaderXXX variables when handling provisional responses
2019-02-07 setting "EnableCloseProgramConfirmation"
2019-01-25 CallXML: "enablesipscanner" element for VoIP security tests
2019-01-24 CallXML: "serverheadervar" attribute in "sendsipmessage" element
2019-01-18 GUI for "fake SDP" mode
2019-01-18 CallXML: "noRtpIfNoOffer" attribute in "accept" element
2019-01-15 CallXML: "getdblcallscount" element for filtering and advanced call processing
2019-01-13 CallXML: parameter "fakeSdp" in "call" and "accept", for high-CPS DOS tests of SIP proxy servers
2018-12-21 incrementing SDP o= version when sending RE-INVITE
2018-11-26 CallXML: new element "setRtpMalformer", for legal hacking services
2018-11-21 CallXML: new element "callLeg" for "verifyaudio"
2018-11-18 API method "DestroyCall": added new parameter "calledIdSuffix"
2018-11-17 CallXML: new element "addsipmalformer"
2018-11-12 moved measurement history charts into HTML popups
2018-11-02 CallXML: new event type "cancelled"
2018-10-24 CallXML: new parameters "localSipAddress", "localSipPort" in "call", "transfer", "sendsipmessage"; new setting "LocalSipAddresses"
2018-10-20 CallXML: new attribute "pattern" in "assign"
2018-10-14 CallXML: new element "setrtptxfields"
2018-09-05 CallXML: new parameter "lineBreak" in "additionalMultipartContent" element
2018-09-03 History charts in reports/statistics HTML reports and "system status" web UI
2018-08-27 New audio setting: "LocalSIPAddress"
2018-08-26 added parameter "calledId" into API method "/API/MainViewModel/DestroyCall"
2018-07-31 CallXML: new parameter "_18xTimeout" in "transfer"
2018-07-27 CallXML: new parameter "maxtime" in "sendhttprequest"
2018-07-26 CallXML: new parameter "ringbacktoneMaxtime" in "transfer"
2018-07-25 CallXML: new parameters "debugMediaRx", "debugMediaTx" and "debugMediaMixed" in "call" and "accept"
2018-07-25 CallXML: new parameter "digittimeout" in "inputdigits"
2018-07-18 CallXML: new event "idleMedia"
2018-07-16 New setting "DisableWDT" - watchdog timer
2018-07-15 CallXML: new element "sendspoofedudppacket" for penetration tests
2018-07-07 CallXML: multiple file names in "playaudio" and "inputdigits"
2018-07-06 CallXML: new default variable "callerIdName"
2018-07-02 added parameter "waitforexit" into API method "/API/MainViewModel/CreateCall_Post"
2018-06-28 CallXML: new element "setwebapiresult"
2018-06-28 API method "/API/MainViewModel/CreateCall_Post" returns error details and results of the test passed from "setwebapiresult" CallXML element
2018-06-27 Added parameter "maxCount" into API method "/API/MainViewModel/Cdr/GetCallsJSON"
2018-06-27 adjusted exact bit match mode audio verification algorithm to consider unmatched head size
2018-06-21 New setting "CdrTimestampsMode", old setting "UseNicTimestampsForCdr" is obsolete
2018-06-10 CallXML: added "rtpDscp" parameter into "call" nad "accept" elements for advanced VoIP tests using IP ToS (DSCP) field
2018-06-06 CallXML: added "value" parameter into "waitforevent" element to wait for specific event ID
2018-06-05 added CDR column filter paramters into Web API method "SendCallxmlEvent"
2018-05-15 New API method "/API/MainViewModel/SendCallxmlEvent"
2018-05-12 CallXML: added "cseq" parameter into "call" element
2018-04-28 CallXML: "verifyaudio", "playaudio", "inputdigits" - supported HTTP and HTTPS URLs to download audio files from web server
2018-04-02 New API method "/API/MainViewModel/SetCdrFields"
2018-04-01 automatic installation of WinPCAP if it is missing on the machine
2018-03-31 new CDR fields with RTP stream IP ToS (DSCP) field values
2018-03-17 New setting "EnableSsrcRtpFilter"
2018-03-11 added parameters "callsPerTick", "intervalMsL", "intervalMsH", "intervalMsL" into Web API method "CreateCalls_Post"
2018-03-07 New setting "WebServerAccessControlAllowOriginHeader"
2018-03-07 CallXML: "repeatCounterVar" parameter in "readcsv"
2018-03-02 CallXML: new element "setimpairmentparams", used for research work
2018-03-01 new Web API method "CreateCalls_Post" - to create multiple calls using the API
2018-02-23 New setting "BackupSettingsAndScriptsStorageTimeInDays"
2018-02-19 "Free disk space" display in system status report
2018-02-01 CallXML: new parameter "fromTag" for "call" element (used for unit tests with REFER)
2018-01-16 setting "DebugMediaAudioVerification"
2018-01-10 CallXML: new element "elseif" to be used in combination with "if"
2018-01-06 CallXML: new element "setuaccredentials"
2018-01-04 CallXML: "readcsv" now supports reading CSV files from HTTP/HTTPS URL
2017-12-24 CallXML: "getrtpmeasurements" element to programmatically access VoIP quality indicators
2017-12-22 CallXML: added parameter "direction" into element "ifcallexists"
2017-12-21 New setting "PassUacRegistrationAuthInfoToIncomingCalls"
2017-12-14 parameter "SettingsFile" in command line mode
2017-12-12 CallXML: added parameter "dontwait" into element "transfer"
2017-11-11 CallXML: added parameter "method" into element "playdtmf"
2017-10-31 CallXML: parameter "dontProxyRtpMedia" in "transfer" element
2017-10-29 New setting "SimulatedAckPacketLossProbability"
2017-10-27 extended API method "GetCallsJSON"
2017-10-26 CallXML: element "waitforevent" to synchronize execution of multiple scripts
2017-10-07 New setting "RecordedWavFilesDurationLimitS"
2017-10-05 CallXML: added parameter "maxCallsToAttempt" into element "setCallGeneratorParams"
2017-10-03 displayed latest retransmitted SIP BYE Call-ID header in packet analyser statistics
2017-09-29 displayed latest retransmitted SIP INVITE Call-ID header in packet analyser statistics
2017-08-15 new Web API method "SetScriptForIncomingCalls"
2017-08-11 new Web API method "StartScript" for better integration into test frameworks
2017-07-17 web API methods "StartCreatingCallsOnTimer", "StopCreatingCallsOnTimer", "Cdr/ClearMemory", "ResetCounters"
2017-06-27 CallXML: new parameter for "transfer": "simulateFasAfterConnection"
2017-06-01 Setting "ResetCallXmlSessionIdWhenStartedCallGenerator"
2017-05-24 Audio+video SIP calls. Video playback of any codec from pcap file
2017-05-23 Added button "reset settings"
2017-05-19 Implemented sending system errors to multiple emails
2017-05-15 Settings view: displayed flag "requires restart"
2017-05-12 CDR statistics webpage: added a button "download CDR as CSV"
2017-05-12 Current calls webpage: displayed number of connected and total current calls
2017-05-01 Optimized CDR query procedures: moved CDR lookup code to C/C++ module
2017-04-03 Setting "DisableUacUnregisters"
2017-04-02 HTTPS transport for web interface and web API
2017-03-13 CallXML: "testId" parameter for "call"
2017-03-06 CallXML: saving multiple SDP attributes with same name into separate CallXML variables (it is useful to access "fmtp" SDP attributes)
2017-02-21 CallXML: getcdrcallscount element
2017-02-19 Reusing previously generated "Authorization" header in re-REGISTER on timer
2017-02-10 CallXML: "floor()", "ceil()", "round()" expressions in element "assign", attribute "mathvalue"
2017-02-02 Implemented saving SIP trace as TXT files, splitted for every SIP call
2017-01-10 CallXML variable "callNumberInBurst" for advanced testing of conference servers
2017-01-04 Improved tables layout in web UI
2016-12-25 Added parameter "sipCallId" into web API method "GetCallsJSON"
2016-12-18 New web API method: /API/MainViewModel/Cdr/GetCallsJSON
2016-12-07 Setting "EnableRtcpXr"
2016-12-06 Supported parsing SDP with SRTP key larger than 128 bits
2016-12-02 Supported SSL v.2, SSL v.3, TLS v.1.2 for SIPS transport
2016-11-30 New API method: GetCurrentCallsCount
2016-11-27 Supported SRV DNS records (for customers in US and Canada)
2016-11-17 Implemented limit of REGISTER requests per second to avoid overloads of tested PBX
2016-11-06 CallXML: implemented modulo operator (%) in "assign:mathvalue" syntax analyser
2016-10-31 CallXML: implemented "considerThisCall" parameter for "ifcallexists" element
2016-10-10 Implemented "ForcedMappedAddress" setting for WinPCAP RTP sender operation mode
2016-09-22 Improved VoIP recording algorithm in case of VAD and RTP clock skew
2016-09-15 Boolean expressions engine: added support of strings in single quotes
2016-09-13 (SIP Tester, softswitch) WebUI to manage audio files
2016-09-08 WebUI: better view of tables in HTML + code cleaning
2016-08-25 new setting "EnableRtpStatisticsCalculationInPacketAnalyser" to save CPU resources for VoIP recording
2016-08-18 added "direction" parameter into "SetCallXmlVariables" API
2016-08-16 improved linking of SIP call to RTP stream in environmanets with NAT
2016-08-01 Added CDR field "CalledIP" (requested by some telco)
2016-07-10 CDR web UI: added min and max datetime filter
2016-07-05 Extended web API method "CreateCall_Post", added new method "DestroyCall"
2016-07-05 WebUI for passive mode: showing UAC and UAS SIP messages in different colors
2016-07-05 Loading SIP trace from previously saved PCAP file, if displayed call is loaded from CDR data file after restarting the software
2016-07-03 Added setting "CdrDisplaySource" to automatically load calls from CSV CDR files
2016-06-23 Added "TenantId" CDR field for VoIP recording mode
2016-06-21 Added setting "NatList" to explicitly handle NAT when linking captured RTP streams to SIP call
2016-06-12 refactored web authentication procedures
2016-06-12 refactored CDR collection procedures
2016-06-08 Added CDR field "Recorded_Mix_FileName"
2016-06-01 Added setting "UseSipsInRequestLineUriForTls" to enable "sip:" request-line URI with TLS transport
2016-05-31 Changed order of displayed calls in CDR: newest calls go first now
2016-05-31 Changed order of log messages: newest first now
2016-05-28 New feature for SIP Tester as VoIP recorder: setting "SaveRtpPacketsToMixedWav", requested by someone from Turkey
2016-05-08 UAC registrations: new field "Use for calls only" = "Don't send REGISTER"
2016-05-06 CallXML: added element "disableuacregistration" for someone in US
2016-05-06 Refactored writing to system log files
2016-05-05 Refactored procedure of getting timestamps for CDR without WinPCAP: using QueryPerformanceCounter() now
2016-05-03 Improved RTP stream lookup procedure for passive-mode monitoring (for a major telco in Brasil)
2016-04-28 CallXML: "maxansweredtime" parameter for "transfer", "maxansweredtime" event
2016-04-27 Added "LocalIpAddress" field into "UAC registrations"
2016-04-27 CallXML: added "contactHeaderFormat" into "register" element
2016-04-27 CLI: "infinite" TotalCalls parameter value, to allow continuous call generation from command line
2016-04-21 WebUI: call details web page with CDR fields and SIP trace
2016-04-18 CallXML: added "var" attribute into "call" element (requested by customer)
2016-04-16 CallXML: added "from" and "to" attributes into "switch" - "case" elements
2016-04-16 Improved software update procedure
2016-04-12 Extended settings SaveSip(AndRtp)PacketsToDisk_PathPattern settings: now it can contain different patterns for different calls (e.g. incoming and outgoing calls)
2016-04-11 Added a command-line parameter "NumberOfCallsPerBurst" (was requested by customer)
2016-04-07 Sending 200 OK response for PUBLISH SIP request
2016-03-26 CallXML: extended "setcallgeneratorparams" for random interval between calls (for someone in Beirut)
2016-03-23 Added CDR field "RTP packets count"
2016-03-23 Boolean expressions syntax: "contains" operator
2016-03-23 RFC2833 DTMF generation in WinPCAP RTP sender mode
2016-03-21 Manual aborting (hangup) of current calls in GUI
2016-03-20 Improved performance: got 8000 G711 channels with RTP WAV audio playback
2016-03-15 CallXML: renamed parameter "maxtime" into "maxringtime" for "call" element
2016-03-15 Settings for sound card buffer size
2016-03-14 Major improvement in PESQ MOS algorithm: jitter buffer frame loss compensation
2016-03-12 Minor improvements in PESQ MOS algorithm: delay calculation
2016-03-08 CallXML: "expires" parameter for "register" element
2016-03-07 Supported SIP URIs like "sip:xxxx@domain;user=phone" for outgoing calls
2016-03-06 UAC REGISTER performance improvements: simulated 100K extensions without CPU overload
2016-03-02 CallXML: "httpUrl" attribute for "include" element
2016-03-01 Added a setting "WebApiTrustedIpAddresses" to make it easier for applications to use the Web API
2016-02-28 Implemented change of codec in "reinvite" CallXML element
2016-02-27 Setting "CdrPath"
2016-02-27 "Manual tests" window for individual SIP calls: connect to sound device, send DTMF
2016-02-26 "Expires" field for adding batch of UAC registrations
2016-02-24 Sound card module: audio connection to current SIP calls for manual real-time testing and demonstration
2016-02-22 CallXML: "setinterval" element needed for timers
2016-02-22 CallXML: extended "setcallgeneratorparams"
2016-02-22 Added "Require100rel" setting to test PRACK (RFC3262) SIP call flows
2016-02-21 "POST" method for "sendhttprequest" - needed for integration with 3rd party APIs
2016-02-21 API method "/API/MainViewModel/CreateCall" to integrate StarTrinity softswitch with a web application (for someone in France)
2016-02-21 Extended web API framework to support invoking methods. Added an API "/API/MainViewModel/CurrentCallExists" for integration between 2 instances of SIP Tester
2016-02-13 CallXML: "sendhttprequest" element to integrate with third party APIs
2016-02-09 Packet loss concealment (PLC) for G.711 codec, needed to avoid skew in recorded WAV files when getting lost frames in jitter buffer (necessary for PESQ)
2016-02-04 Added setting "DontPrintPortInRequestUri" (requires restart of software)
2016-02-02 "Host for calls" and "port for calls" fields in "UAC registrations", used to set different Request URI for REGISTER and INVITE
2016-02-01 CallXML: "disableRtp" parameter for "call" and "accept" (for someone from Russia)
2016-01-29 Custom "Contact" SIP header format for UAC REGISTER (for someone in Israel)
2016-01-18 SIP Tester GUI: "repeatCount" parameter to read destinations from CSV
2016-01-13 SRTP media transport support
2016-01-12 CallXML: "sipCallId" attribute for "call" element to set custom Call-ID header in INVITE (requested by someone from US)
2015-12-23 Supported SIPS (SIP over TLS transport). Included sample certificate files into installer
2015-12-12 Setting "ReuseExistingTcpSocketToTheSameDestination" (for someone in US, Silicon Valley)
2015-12-06 Selecting previous test ID(s) to load from CDR database
2015-12-06 Enabled using of ODBC drivers in "requestdb" CallXML element
2015-12-05 Loading CDR data from database (via ODBC driver)
2015-12-05 Added new fields into CDR database and CSV file: "100 delay" and "Test ID"
2015-11-27 Generation of "multipart/mixed" SIP packet body
2015-11-20 CDR field and statistics for "SDP negotiation - RTP delay" (for someone in Canada)
2015-11-17 CallXML: "readdb" element to use list of numbers from MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL and other databases
2015-11-13 Setting "WinpcapRtpSenderDscpField"
2015-11-11 WebUI: added "Abort all calls" button
2015-11-10 CallXML: "dynamicblacklist" element to implement fast RAM-based dynamic blacklists
2015-11-10 Achieved RTP jitter less than 1ms with new setting "MediaClockUseSpinWait"
2015-11-08 Supported SIP headers with same name in SIP messages
2015-11-07 CallXML: added "var" parameter for "maxtime" element
2015-10-28 "Max CPS" parameter to control stepwise testing
2015-10-28 Setting "RecordedWavFilesAudioCodec" for some client who uses SIP Tester as SIPREC recorder
2015-10-16 CDR fields "RTP_Called_MinDelta" and "RTP_Caller_MinDelta"
2015-10-13 CallXML: "$timeMs();" syntax element to calculate delays in script (for someone in Canada)
2015-10-02 Settings to set CPU affinity masks for media, SIP threads, and for entire process
2015-09-30 UAC registrations: "expiration interval" setting
2015-09-30 Setting "StartCallGeneratorOnStartup"
2015-09-30 CallXML variable "answerDelay"
2015-09-29 Setting "MediaClockPeriodMs" to minimize transmitted RTP jitter when ptime=20
2015-09-25 Implemented pre-caching of audio files
2015-09-22 Run SIP Tester as windows service - start automatically when windows starts
2015-09-19 CallXML: waitForRingbackToneAbsence, requested by client
2015-09-14 Processing Ctrl+C in command-line mode
2015-09-08 Added CDR field "CallerIP"
2015-09-08 Filter for "reports/statistics", allowing to view stats for subset of calls
2015-09-08 "Max CDR calls count" settings are stored in config file now
2015-08-25 Boolean expression interpreter for CDR filter and CallXML "test" function
2015-08-19 Loading previously saved CDRs from CSV files
2015-08-18 CallXML: "randfile" syntax to play random file from directory (for someone in US, FL)
2015-08-11 UAC registrations: import/export from/to CSV files
2015-08-09 Added option to filter displayed configuration settings by name and description to optimize UX of configuration
2015-08-07 Saving/restoring call generator schedule parameters to/from settings file
2015-08-07 Setting "LocalHTTpPort" = "0" disables VisualCallXML editor - having strange problems on Windows XP
2015-08-05 CallXML: $randdigits(number_of_digits); syntax for random CLI generation
2015-07-30 Added option of saving SIP trace as TXT file and saving to clipboard
2015-07-27 CallXML: reporting line number of CallXML element and its contents in case of error
2015-07-27 CallXML: implemented "less or equal" and "greater or equal" syntax for "if" and "block"
2015-07-26 CallXML: implemented "enabled" attribute to temporarily turn off execution of CallXML elements
2015-07-22 Setting "DisableRtpPacketAnalysisOnIpAddresses" to turn off RTP packet processing on selected interfaces
2015-07-17 Optimized SIP thread: now reaching 1000 calls per second with i7-3770 in "WinPCAP RTP sender" operation mode
2015-07-16 Embedded Visual CallXML script editor into SIP Tester desktop GUI
2015-07-13 WebUI: Fixed compatibility of visual CallXML editor with Internet Explorer and Firefox
2015-07-04 WebUI: Visual CallXML editor
2015-07-02 WebUI: improved call generation page
2015-06-24 CallXML: "localRtpAddress" and "sendSdp" parameters for "reinvite"
2015-06-18 CallXML: "srand" element to reproduce random tests
2015-06-18 CallXML: added "callerId" and "calledId" criteria for "ifcallexists"
2015-06-18 Automatic inserting of custom CDR columns into database schema for every processed call
2015-06-18 CallXML: "waitforringbacktone" element to test SIP trunks and GSM gateways
2015-06-17 Refactoring "signal detector" module and its interface
2015-06-11 "CDR delimiter" setting in GUI - a better representation
2015-06-11 Web interface: "CDR columns configuration" page
2015-06-10 New media processing mode: "WinPCAP RTP sender"
2015-06-07 Setting to control duration of transmitted RFC2833 DTMF signals: DtmfDurationRfc2833Ms
2015-06-07 CallXML: "transferred" event for REFER processing
2015-06-07 Web interface: "current calls" page
2015-06-06 Add batch of UAC registrations: new "password" field
2015-06-06 Fixed processing of Refer-To and Referred-By headers in REFER module
2015-06-03 Support of partial-RTP-frame delays in real-time audio verification algorithm (for someone in Denmark)
2015-06-03 CallXML: "settimeout" element (for someone in Finland)
2015-06-02 CallXML: added a "reinvite" event for custom handling of RE-INVITEs
2015-06-01 CallXML: added "localRtpAddress" parameter to "call" and "accept" to handle multiple network interfaces
2015-05-23 CDR columns "EarlyMediaPeakSignalLevelDb", "ActiveMediaPeakSignalLevelDb"
2015-05-19 Automatic re-register on failure
2015-05-15 CDR database schema verification: automatic creation of table and/or missing columns
2015-05-08 Implemented ringback tone detector. Added CDR field "Latest RBT Delay" which can be used to detect FAS
2015-04-29 CallXML: "on" event handlers now can be located inside current element
2015-04-28 Web interface: CallXML log
2015-04-22 CLI parameter "IncomingCallsExitTimeoutSec"
2015-04-20 Getting CSV delimiter from system regional settings
2015-04-18 Extended "sendsipmessage": added "maxtime", "var", "delayvar"
2015-04-17 Implemented DC offset removing in signal detector. It is useful for G711 codec
2015-04-11 CallXML: "graceful" mode for "exitcli" element
2015-04-10 CallXML: added "level" to "log" element
2015-04-10 Optimized GUI in display of current SIP calls
2015-04-07 New parameter to make outgoing SIP calls: LocalSipPort
2015-04-04 Added a parameter "debugRecordingThreshold" to "verifyaudio" to debug low confidence scores
2015-03-30 CallXML: "waitforsilence" element for IVR test scripts
2015-03-26 Optimized real-time audio verification algorithm
2015-03-22 UAC registrations: "add batch" - now you can easily add thousand of extensions
2015-03-21 Added setting "LocalSIPPortRange" - now the software can use a range of local SIP ports
2015-03-20 Packet analyzer: implemented TCP packets processing
2015-03-20 Packet analyzer: supported VLAN headers
2015-03-15 Real-time mode for audio verification. In this mode time of verification is calculated automatically
2015-03-13 Improved audio verification algorithm. Now it is faster and more accurate
2015-03-10 Command line parameter "TotalIncomingCalls"
2015-03-10 CallXML: "exitcli" element
2015-03-01 Command line parameter "RetryToOpenLocalSipPort" to avoid hanging of CLI when another program already uses local SIP port
2015-03-01 Added settings to configure SMTP server port number and SSL mode
2015-02-23 CallXML: recordcall parameter "mode" - "rx", "tx", "mix"
2015-02-20 CallXML: Implemented dynamic referencing of variables: "$prefix$indexVar;;" and "$prefix[$indexVar;];"
2015-02-19 CallXML: "exec" element, similar to "eval" in JavaScript
2015-02-18 Sending 200 OK response for OPTIONS SIP request, it is used to ping SIP servers
2015-02-18 Setting "OverwriteCsvCdrFilesAfterRestart"
2015-02-17 CallXML: "recordmessage", "searchfile" elements
2015-02-15 CallXML: "$env.x;" syntax to use Windows environment variables in scripts
2015-02-15 CallXML: "eofMode", "rowIndex" parameters for "readcsv"
2015-02-12 Editing CSV read start index in GUI
2015-02-12 CallXML: "enqueue", "dequeue" elements
2015-02-11 CallXML: "getaudiofilelength" element
2015-02-10 CallXML: syntax for default parameter values of functions
2015-02-10 Developed a new fast algorithm for audio verification. Tested with 1200 concurrent G.711 calls on 4x3.4GHz i7 CPU
2015-02-08 CallXML: "getfilenamefrompath" element
2015-02-08 Decoding G.729 and G.711 RTP streams and exporting to WAV files
2015-02-08 New CDR field: "audio signal level" for both entire call and early media
2015-02-07 CallXML: "includefunctions" element to build complex IVR tests
2015-02-07 Changed "Total calls per second" calculation: now it uses time between first and last call instead of total measurement time
2015-02-05 CallXML: added "cache" parameter to "include"
2015-02-05 PCAP file import
2015-01-27 Created a button to create burst of SIP calls manually
2015-01-22 CallXML: "getstringlength" to operate with length of dialed numbers or any other strings
2015-01-21 CallXML: option to start calls from the middle of CSV file - extended $seq_sip_uri_from_csv() parameters
2015-01-19 command line: added parameters "LogLevel" and "OperationMode"
2015-01-15 CallXML: "switch", "case", "default" syntax for better routing and unit tests
2015-01-09 UAS registrations page: added "SIP Trace" button for debugging
2015-01-08 CallXML: "setcallgeneratorparams" element and "$timeOfDayInHours();" keyword to simulate variable call load
2015-01-08 Added "callerIpAddress" variable for IP address restriction logic
2015-01-06 Fixed issue with MSI installer "auto-healing" which reverted settings
2015-01-03 "UAS registration and authorization" page
2014-12-25 Web interface: developed "CDR" page
2014-12-24 Developed CDR filter
2014-12-23 Implemented SIP trace view for passive mode in SIP Tester
2014-12-14 Improved performance of CDR datagrid, added option to hide columns
2014-12-12 Web UI: created buttons to create calls, start and stop call generator
2014-12-12 Basic Web API for softswitch and SIP Tester is ready for use
2014-12-11 "Enabled" setting for UAC registrations: some customers need to disable registration without deleting it
2014-12-09 CallXML: "startCallGenerator", "movingAveragePut", "movingAverageGet", "movingAverageReset" elements
2014-12-09 Developed code to restore WinPCAP capture thread after sleep mode
2014-12-07 If there is XML error in both GUI and WebUI, CallXML script is not applied until it is fixed, so live calls are not affected
2014-12-05 Executing custom command line when MOS drops below a threshold
2014-12-05 Developed new RTCP VoIP quality CDR fields, history charts. Updated CDR table schema
2014-12-02 Simulation of RTP jitter
2014-11-29 Added an option of SIP proxy for INVITE messages
2014-11-29 CallXML: added "localRtpPort" parameter to "call" and "accept" for explicit RTP port number assignment
2014-11-28 Included "Allow" header into REGISTER message
2014-11-27 Added "auth. user name" setting for UAC registrations (for someone in San Francisco Bay Area)
2014-11-26 Added settings "UseAsCaller" and "UseAsCalled" for UAC registrations
2014-11-24 Created web interface
2014-11-20 Implemented sending of RTCP and RTCP-XR reports to third party destination for analysis and monitoring
2014-11-20 CallXML event "audioSignal" for "call" and "transfer" elements
2014-11-17 Added CDR field "ReleasedBy"
2014-11-17 "random least busy registration" call mode: select least busy extension for both caller and called side
2014-11-17 Implemented recording of SIP and RTP packets to .pcap files for further debugging
2014-11-13 Added SIP proxy setting for UAC REGISTER
2014-11-11 Moved CallXML scripts into the single settings XML file
2014-11-08 Setting "RecordSilenceWithoutRtp" to put silence into recorded WAV files when no RTP is received yet
2014-11-08 Setting "DefaultSignalDetectorThresholdDb" to change the threshold which is used for "SignalDelay" CDR field
2014-11-07 Fixed an issue related to RTCP and NAT
2014-11-06 Optional From/To host name for UAC REGISTER
2014-11-04 CallXML: "callsLeftConference" event
2014-11-03 RTCP-XR reports (G.107 MOS and R-factor fields are not ready yet)
2014-11-02 Extended freeware license: now it allows 20 concurrent calls, unlimited attempted/received calls
2014-11-01 Added CDR fields: RTP_Caller_Delay, RTP_Called_Delay - time between INVITE and first RTP packet
2014-10-30 Compiled DLLs for both 64 and 32 bit modes
2014-10-27 Moved to .NET 4
2014-10-25 CallXML: added "getcallgeneratorinfo" element
2014-10-23 Supported "audio/telephone-event" content type for SIP INFO DTMF packets
2014-10-22 CallXML: "repeat" parameter for "inputdigits"
2014-10-22 System error notifications by email
2014-10-21 Added an option to generate multiple SIP calls in a burst
2014-10-19 Added a button to make pause when generating calls in SIP Tester
2014-10-12 CallXML: "maxansweredtime" parameter for "call"
2014-10-12 CallXML: "startswith" keyword for test syntax
2014-10-11 Added "Created" and "Answered" fields to "Current calls SIP info"
2014-10-10 CallXML: added "minTimeAboveLevel" to "waitforsignal"
2014-10-09 Saving CDR records to database using ODBC driver
2014-10-07 Added "ifcallexists", "getcallinfo" CallXML elements
2014-10-06 Supported standard codecs with dynamic payload type (pt <= 96)
2014-10-03 Separated CallXML and system logs in SIP Tester's GUI
2014-09-27 "if" and "else" syntax elements
2014-09-27 Added "OR" and "AND" syntax elements into "block"
2014-09-27 Option of sending email reports at specific time of day with reset of statistics
2014-09-25 Added jitter and answer delay indicators into status panel, so they are always visible for control
2014-09-22 Removed a ":" in default User-Agent field, because it conflicts with Zultys IP-PBX
2014-09-19 Added lower threshold into email alerting module: now it sends email also when call quality becomes normal again
2014-09-18 Developed "measuresignal" CallXML element to analyse received RTP stream
2014-09-17 Added "level" parameter to "waitforsignal" to configure threshold of measured signal
2014-09-16 "substring" element for CallXML scripts
2014-09-15 Added CPU load display to the main screen
2014-09-12 Developed "function" and "runfunction" elements
2014-09-11 Added "ifconferenceexists" CallXML element
2014-09-11 Added "stopaudio" CallXML element to stop audio player which was started asynchronously
2014-09-09 Added "getstatistics", "resetstatistics" CallXML elements to access statistics programmatically
2014-09-08 Implemented call rate (CPS) threshold for email alerting
2014-09-08 Added "mathvalue" attribute for "assign" CallXML element
2014-09-07 Implemented $randchoice(option1,option2,option3,...) substitution for scripts
2014-09-07 Implemented "less than" and "greater than" conditions for "block" and "goto" CallXML elements
2014-09-07 Added "syncDestroy" mode for "conference" CallXML element
2014-09-02 Refactored GUI, added split panels: simulation and results
2014-08-27 R2S (Real Time Session Supervision Protocol) for ED-137 tests
2014-08-24 Re-register button
2014-08-23 Automatic backup of settings and CallXML scripts
2014-08-20 GUI for codec settings and RTP playback
2014-08-20 Added "maxtime" to "waitforsignal" CallXML element
2014-08-20 Renamed setting "CsvCdrDelimiter" into "CsvDelimiter", used it for both reading and writing CSV files
2014-08-10 Uniform probability distribution of interval between generated SIP calls
2014-08-10 CDR filter by SIP status code
2014-08-04 "stoptest" CallXML element
2014-08-02 Defined status code 1408 (NoResponse)
2014-07-20 "getwg67info" CallXML element
2014-07-18 Added settings for recorded WAV file names: "RecordedWavFileNamePattern" and "DebugMediaFileNamePattern"
2014-07-18 Added "contentType" attribute to "sendsipinfo" CallXML element
2014-07-16 Saving remote SDP attributes into CallXML variables (is intended for ED-137 tests)
2014-07-11 Support of RTP header extensions for ED-137 ATM VoIP testing
2014-07-08 Support of user-defined codec with audio/video playback from PCAP file
2014-06-30 Exporting/importing setings from/to XML file
2014-06-26 Export of SIP and RTP packets into .pcap files for further debugging
2014-06-02 Custom SIP headers and SDP attributes for both INVITE requests and responses
2014-06-02 Generation of email alerts and reports on call capacity overloads and low audio quality detections
2014-05-22 Extended statistics of SIP packets (for someone in Spain)
2014-05-21 Configurable "User-Agent" and "Server" header (for someone in Sweden)
2014-04-25 G.107 E-model R-factor and MOS measurement
2014-04-24 Improved RTP impairments generation
2014-04-13 History and percentiles chart for all performance indicators
2014-04-11 Configurable total attempted calls count (for someone in US, NJ)
2014-04-05 Configurable RTP TX packet time (for someone in Mexico)
2014-04-03 "waitforsignal" CallXML element (for someone in Paris)
2014-04-02 Configurable SIP timers (T1-T4)
2014-04-02 List of random options for "assign" CallXML element
2014-03-17 Support of any WAV and MP3 files
2014-03-10 Max number of calls per destination (for someone in US, TX, Dallas)
2014-03-02 Passive (non-intrusive) monitoring module (capturing and analyzing VoIP packets with winpcap)
2014-02-19 "register" CallXML element for automated tests with SIP REGISTER (for someone in Singapore)
2014-02-15 Generation and processing calls without RTP
2014-02-09 Command line interface
2014-02-03 More accurate RTP jitter measurement with winpcap library
2014-01-24 Added "skipHeaders" = "true/false" attribute to "readcsv" (for someone in Denmark)
2014-01-23 Created "replacestring" CallXML element (for someone in Austria)
2014-01-23 Created "writefile" CallXML element (for someone in Austria)
2014-01-22 Created "loopbackaudio" CallXML element to test roundtrip delay
2014-01-21 Added "probability" attribute to "verifyaudio" CallXML element
2014-01-21 Custom CDR CSV field delimiter (for someone in US, FL)
2014-01-18 Allowed asterisk (*) in SIP user name (for someone in Netherlands)
2014-01-14 Added button to save reports as HTML file
2014-01-12 Added display of least quality calls, sorted by custom CDR field like MOS
2014-01-05 Improved performance and memory usage of audio playback
2014-01-04 MOS (mean opinion score) reports for VoIP audio quality testing
2013-12-18 Allowed usage of CallXML script variables as $rand() parameters
2013-12-12 Custom called number for "Make calls via least busy UAC registration"
2013-12-12 Audio verification for testing round trip delay, 3-way conference calls, IVR menus
2013-12-09 Added "countsColumnIndex" attribute to "readcsv" CallXML element
2013-12-09 Added "mode" (="random") attribute to "readcsv" CallXML element
2013-12-07 Added "repeat" attribute to "readcsv" CallXML element
2013-12-03 Generation of high call loads from multiple distributed instances of SIP Tester, installed on multiple servers
2013-11-19 Measuring delay between simulated DTMF and IVR audio response
2013-11-19 Saving custom variables into CDR CSV file
2013-11-18 Added sorting of least quality calls by answer delay, 180/183 delay, by status code
2013-11-17 Trial and one-time license mode
2013-11-16 TCP transport for REGISTER
2013-11-12 Option to update version in GUI
2013-11-12 Time column in log
2013-11-10 'readcsv' CallXML element
2013-11-10 'Non-silence' RX/TX audio duration field in CDR
2013-11-10 More accurate calculation of lost/delayed RTP packets' percentage
2013-11-09 Option to view content of tabs in separate windows
2013-11-08 Added packet loss percentage field into CDR file
2013-11-07 Included reseller ID into installer for affiliate links
2013-11-04 History chart on statistics tab
2013-11-01 Performance chart
2013-10-20 Stepwise testing
2013-09-18 Automatic measuring of post-dial delay (PDD) by detecting dial tone in RTP stream
2013-09-03 Saving of CDR into CSV files
2013-08-25 Making calls to list of destinations in CSV file
2013-08-20 TCP transport for SIP calls
2013-08-03 Added feature of sending custom SIP messages
2013-05-06 Moved from WinForms to WPF
2012-10-25 Released public freeware version at
2008-02-07 Released first version for internal testing of a call center

Note: this is not full list of implemented features.

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